Lördag 25/11

Blues Workshop With Nick And Nikoleta

Lördag 25/11
14.30 - 18.45
The workshop costs 450 SEK per person (350 SEK for students), both levels 750 SEK (550 SEK for students).
Förköp biljett
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Chicago swing dance studio – Hornsgatan 75, Stockholm

Saturday - November 25
14.30-16.30 – Open level (for everyone, partner rotation)
16.45-18.45 – Intermediate and up (couple sign up, no partner rotation)

In this workshop we will focus on the coupled style of blues, danced to blues-, slow swing- and early jazz music. Although the element of solo blues dancing is also a part of it.

The "open level" is for beginners and up in blues dancing and offers intensive introduction to blues dancing as well as ideas and moves for the more experienced dancers. We will be changing roles and partners throughout the class, so you can sign up individually.

The "intermediate and up" level is for the more experienced blues dancers and you will have to sign up as a couple. There'll be no partner rotation.

Sign up by sending an e-mail to, we need your name, phone number and e-mail, which level you want (your partners name if second level). Write: Blues Workshop in the subject section. We will send out a confirmation mail as soon as we have enough students. Please try to sign up as soon as possible.

The workshop costs 450 SEK per person (350 SEK for students), both levels 750 SEK (550 SEK for students).
The workshop also includes the dance evening of the 25th to the live music of Hasse Ling & The Syncopators Of Swing, 21.00-01.00. There will be mixed tempos for couples swing dancing but we finish the evening with one hour of only slow tempo music suitable for blues dancing.

Most Welcome!